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  • Are conversations with clients confidential?
    Yes. My clients share personal aspects of their lives with me, and this does not leave the office. The ethics of my profession are clear on this, but my main motivation is to be respectful of the privacy of the folks I work with. There are times when information disclosed in a session needs to be shared, but this is only when a child is in current danger of abuse or neglect, or there is an immediate, serious and specific potential of harm.
  • What can I expect at my initial appointment?
    There are a few housekeeping items, such as filling out an intake form, and reviewing the counselling agreement, that will comprise the beginning of the session. From there, I'll be interested in getting to know you and your situation. Some questions I might ask are: What made you decide to reach out for support? What inspired you to seek counselling at this time? Have you worked with a counsellor before? What was helpful? Unhelpful? What would a successful counselling process look like for you? Generally speaking, first appointments are an opportunity to set some goals, get a general picture of the landscape, and for you to feel comfortable with the process and the counsellor you are working with.
  • Can I bill my extended health plan for your services?
    Many extended health plans will cover all or a portion of costs associated with working with a Registered Clinical Counsellor. You'll need to check with your third party provider to confirm, but typically plans have some coverage for counselling.
  • Do I need counselling?
    No one can answer this question for you. But consider: Are you influenced by past events to the point where your life is seriously impacted? Are your relationships with others suffering? Is your mood affected to a degree that feels unacceptable? This is, and must be, your decision. But if the answer to any of the above questions is 'yes', consider whether accessing the help of a professional could improve your quality of life, and benefit not just yourself, but those around you. To read more about how talk therapy might help you, here is an article that briefly and accurately describes its benefits.
  • What is the cost for counselling sessions?
    My fee is $150 for a 50-minute session.

My office is at 1448 Commercial Dr, office 201, two blocks north of Commercial and 1st Ave.

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